About The Next Doo Wop Star

T.J. Lubinsky, Producer PBS ‘My Music’ Series
If you’ve ever wanted to be a Doo-Wop star, here’s your chance!
Aspiring acapella and vocal group harmony singers are invited to audition for The Next Doo Wop Star worldwide talent search. The search will culminate with a national PBS special and digital interactive show celebrating the Doo Wop era in American musical history.
Auditions are now open through February 28, 2022.
The Next Doo Wop Star talent search is being conducted by famed PBS “My Music” series producer TJ Lubinsky. The public television specials he’s produced since 1993 have helped raise more than $1 billion for public television and have been viewed by millions of people.
To preserve the legendary Doo Wop and acapella music of the 1950s and 60s, Lubinsky’s My Music Next Doo Wop Star talent search seeks to find, record and celebrate singers who can accurately channel the original artists.